Miscellaneous Upper-Intermediate Test 24

Vydáno dne 18.11.2010

Obecný test pro pokročilejší angličtináře.

  1. Never send cash through the mail. You ________ to recover anything if the letter should get lost or stolen.

    1. shouldn't be able
    2. weren't able
    3. won't be able
    4. wouldn't be able
  2. What's the ________?

    1. tallest building of the world
    2. tallest building of the world's
    3. tallest world's building
    4. world's tallest building
  3. Why should the man be the one to call the ________? That's so last century!

    1. hits
    2. lines
    3. quits
    4. shots
  4. You're so naive! It's ________ time you learned something about the world you live in.

    1. a high
    2. about
    3. about the
    4. the high
  5. Our teacher was a sadistic monster who ________ failing nervous students.

    1. got great pleasure of
    2. had great pleasure from
    3. made great pleasure out of
    4. took great pleasure in
  6. ________ the whole family, thank you all for coming today to honor the memory of our father.

    1. Due to
    2. On account of
    3. On behalf of
    4. Speaking of
  7. A dialog box will appear to confirm if you wish ________ changes.

    1. to save
    2. you had saved
    3. you saved
    4. you would save
  8. They knew the plane was going to crash and there was nothing ________ do about it.

    1. that anyone could
    2. what anyone could
    3. what to
    4. which anyone could
  9. I know I misspelled my own name. But thanks for ________.

    1. pointing at it
    2. pointing it
    3. pointing out that
    4. pointing that out
  10. Mike tried to explain, to apologize, but his wife ________. She just shut the door in his face.

    1. hadn't listened
    2. hasn't been listening
    3. weren't to listen
    4. wouldn't listen
  11. Have you seen Jim's new video on Facebook? He's such ________.

    1. a show off
    2. a show-off
    3. show off
    4. show-off
  12. The bank refused to ________ the check because the signature didn't match with the bank's signatu­re card.

    1. bounce
    2. cash
    3. foot
    4. pay off
  13. The salary isn't great but it's enough to live ________.

    1. by
    2. on
    3. up to
    4. with
  14. Students need to revise before each class since pop quizzes are given at the ________ of the teacher.

    1. beck and call
    2. mercy
    3. whim
    4. will
  15. The movie is ________ running for the Academy Award for visual effects.

    1. ---
    2. at the
    3. in
    4. in the
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) d, 3) d, 4) b, 5) d, 6) c, 7) a, 8) a, 9) d, 10) d, 11) b, 12) b, 13) b, 14) c, 15) d
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