SIGNS and NOTICES (photo quiz 4)

Vydáno dne 07.01.2011

Další desítka britských fotografií různých nápisů a cedulí. Rozumíte jim správně? Otestujte se.

  1. Why must this area be kept clear?

    1. Emergency vehicles are going to clear this area.
    2. Emergency vehicles keep the area clean.
    3. Emergency vehicles need to be able to get there.
    4. It's a building where emergency vehicles park.
  2. What does this notice mean?

    1. This site is protected from criminals by the police.
    2. You can trespass the area.
    3. You mustn't enter Section 128 of this site.
    4. You mustn't enter the area.
  3. What does VAT stand for?

    1. vacancy admission tax
    2. vacant aberration tax
    3. value added tax
    4. volume added tax
  4. What does this sign mean?

    1. A fine dog will be punished.
    2. A foul dog will be punished.
    3. Your dog doesn't have to stain the park.
    4. Your dog shouldn't foul the area.
  5. What kind of paint has been used here?

    1. Paint protecting climbers.
    2. Paint protecting thieves.
    3. Special climbing paint.
    4. Special slippery paint.
  6. What is a bus stand?

    1. A bus stand is a place where buses can park.
    2. A bus stand is a place where passengers are picked up.
    3. A bus stand is similar to a bus station.
    4. A bus stand is similar to a bus stop.
  7. What does this notice say?

    1. You have to stand in line for another 30 minutes.
    2. You must show your ticket to an attendant.
    3. You should fold your pushchairs now.
    4. You've been waiting for 30 minutes.
  8. What does this notice board say?

    1. You can drink alcohol neither at the station nor on the Underground trains.
    2. You can't drink alcohol at the station, but you can drink it on the Underground trains.
    3. You can't hold a bottle of wine at the station.
    4. You shouldn't carry any bottles of alcohol anywhere around here.
  9. What does CCTV stand for?

    1. cable channel television
    2. circular caution television
    3. civilian classified television
    4. closed circuit television
  10. What does this notice mean?

    1. 30% of glasses are discounted in this shop.
    2. They have 30% more glasses from designers.
    3. They will design sunglasses for you with a 30% discount.
    4. You might get a 30% discount on some glasses.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) d, 3) c, 4) d, 5) d, 6) a, 7) a, 8) a, 9) d, 10) d
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