Grammar Theme Park: Name that show!

Vydáno dne 07.01.2011

Gramatický test, ve kterém se každá z patnácti vět týká nějakého seriálu. Dokážete správně doplnit gramatické jevy? Poznáte, o jaké seriály se jedná?

  1. Veronica always finds a clever ________ steal evidence from the Sheriff's Depar­tment.

    1. way how she can
    2. way how to
    3. way to
    4. way, in which she can
  2. For him it was the proof that Dana ________ by the government, not aliens.

    1. abducted
    2. had abducted
    3. had been abducted
    4. was abducted
  3. His victims are only killers and murderers and he shows them what it feels like to get a taste of their own ________.

    1. fruits
    2. medicine
    3. poison
    4. seeds
  4. The show is about a high-school chemistry ________ starts making and dealing crystal meth.

    1. teacher which
    2. teacher who
    3. teacher, that
    4. teacher, which
  5. When Damon kissed Catherine on Elena's porch, he actually thought he ________ Elena. They looked identical!

    1. had kissed
    2. has been kissing
    3. has kissed
    4. was kissing
  6. Dr. Temperance Brennan has a degree ________ Anthropology.

    1. for
    2. from
    3. in
    4. on
  7. Brandon and Brenda, although they were twins, weren't ________.

    1. very alike siblings
    2. very likely siblings
    3. very much alike
    4. very much likely
  8. Hank doesn't know that he is actually more than twice ________ Mia or that she is actually Karen's boyfri­end's daughter.

    1. as much old as
    2. as old as
    3. older than
    4. so old as
  9. The cast is excellent and Barney is probably the best comedy character ________.

    1. as far
    2. there
    3. to be
    4. yet
  10. Seeing the two talking together made Zack ________ that Summer would never be over Seth.

    1. realize
    2. that he realize
    3. to realize
    4. to realizing
  11. ________ a fictional town in Massachusetts.

    1. Capeside in which they live
    2. Capeside where they live is
    3. Capeside, that they live in, is
    4. Capeside, where they live, is
  12. Nathan and Haley ________ before they were out of high school just because they were in love.

    1. gotten married
    2. had been married
    3. had married
    4. married
  13. When ________ with the smoke monster, Locke wasn't afraid it would kill him.

    1. confronted
    2. having confronted
    3. he confronted
    4. he had been confronted
  14. Sue ________ she had never leaked the club's setlist to the other teams but of course everyone knew it was her.

    1. claimed
    2. disclaimed
    3. proclaimed
    4. reclaimed
  15. Dan was used ________ like dirt by Blaire.

    1. to be treated
    2. to being treated
    3. to have been treated
    4. to treating
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) c, 3) b, 4) b, 5) d, 6) c, 7) c, 8) b, 9) d, 10) a, 11) d, 12) d, 13) a, 14) a, 15) b
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