LABELS and PACKAGING (photo quiz 2)

Vydáno dne 19.09.2011

Umíte si přeložit nápisy na různých obalech? Otestujte se v našem dalším foto kvízu. K otázkám u deseti obrázků vyberte správnou odpověď. Po vyhodnocení si můžete přečíst ke každé fotografii vysvětlující komentář.

  1. This is a cup and saucer from the packaging of what product?

    1. ground coffee
    2. instant coffee
    3. leaf tea
    4. tea bags
  2. What will you find inside this bag?

    1. coated pipes
    2. Maris coating
    3. pieces of potatoes
    4. whole potatoes
  3. These are cooking instructions for soup or stew. What do they say?

    1. If you cook it in a microwave, you stir it only once.
    2. If you heat it in a saucepan, you stir it twice.
    3. You mustn't serve it hot.
    4. You should serve it with potatoes.
  4. If you buy this fajita kit, you can prepare fajitas at home. What does it contain and what do you need to add?

    1. It contains everything you need except for meat, pepper and an onion.
    2. It contains everything you need except for meat, peppers and an onion.
    3. It contains everything you need to cook vegetarian fajitas.
    4. You just need to add salt and pepper.
  5. This is a bottle with cava sparkling wine. What does the label say?

    1. Be careful when you hold the bottle.
    2. The bottle isn't made of glass.
    3. You can point the bottle away from people when opening.
    4. You shouldn't break the bottle.
  6. You can find pepper inside this tube. What else does the label say?

    1. The pepper inside is ground.
    2. The pepper inside isn't ground.
    3. You should grind it when using in stews.
    4. You shouldn't grind it.
  7. Do you know fusilli pasta? Why is this fusilli pasta special?

    1. It doesn't connect with sauce when served.
    2. It has a bronze die.
    3. It has a rough texture that is excellent with sauce.
    4. You should serve it with sauce in drops.
  8. You'll find this label on a plastic or glass tube. What is it?

    1. It's a grinder.
    2. It's a salt cellar.
    3. It's a salt shaker.
    4. It's a sauce mill.
  9. This is a yummy dessert. What does its packaging say?

    1. It's a Belgian mouse dessert.
    2. It's a dessert with butter chocolate.
    3. It's a dessert with chocolate sponge.
    4. It's a chocolate mouse.
  10. This is the same bottle as in picture five, this time from the back. There's a lot of information on the label. Only one of the following is correct:

    1. Only traditional varieties are used to produce this wine.
    2. The sparkles took nine months to develop.
    3. You should drink this wine in six months.
    4. You should drink this wine on its own.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) c, 3) a, 4) b, 5) d, 6) b, 7) c, 8) a, 9) c, 10) b
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