Where can you hear this?

Vydáno dne 01.12.2011

Netradiční test, kde k různým větám přiřazujete místa, kde tyto věty můžete zaslechnout.

Zaškrtněte místo, kde danou větu s největší pravděpodobností uslyšíte.

  1. Can I try it on?

    1. airport
    2. pharmacy
    3. railway station
    4. shop
  2. No, thanks. I'm just looking.

    1. airport
    2. park
    3. restaurant
    4. shop
  3. I'm afraid we are fully booked, sir.

    1. bookshop
    2. hotel
    3. library
    4. pharmacy
  4. Can I see your boarding pass, please?

    1. airport
    2. border
    3. hotel
    4. school
  5. Do you need a wake-up call tomorrow?

    1. airport
    2. hotel
    3. phone box
    4. shop
  6. I'm not having a starter.

    1. airport
    2. garage
    3. restaurant
    4. school
  7. Do you have this in brown?

    1. pharmacy
    2. railway station
    3. shop
    4. school
  8. Are you ready to order?

    1. hotel
    2. railway station
    3. restaurant
    4. shop
  9. A window or an aisle seat, madam?

    1. airport
    2. cinema
    3. hospital
    4. hotel
  10. I'm afraid your flight is delayed.

    1. airport
    2. cinema
    3. hotel
    4. railway station
  11. Is breakfast included?

    1. cafe
    2. hotel
    3. restaurant
    4. shop
  12. Have you got anything for hay fever?

    1. airport
    2. farm
    3. pharmacy
    4. shop
  13. Which platform does the 9.20 for London leave from?

    1. airport
    2. hotel
    3. railway station
    4. shop
  14. Can I have something for the flu?

    1. airport
    2. hotel
    3. pharmacy
    4. railway station
  15. Was your bag with you at all times?

    1. airport
    2. cinema
    3. pharmacy
    4. shop
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) d, 3) b, 4) a, 5) b, 6) c, 7) c, 8) c, 9) a, 10) a, 11) b, 12) c, 13) c, 14) c, 15) a
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