English Idioms from English Musicals 1 - Joseph

Vydáno dne 20.02.2013

Anglické idiomy si lze procvičit poměrně zábavnou formou. Zde jsou idiomy ze slavného muzikálu Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, který v roce 1968 napsali Andrew Lloyd Webber a Tim Rice.

English idioms from English musicals

Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Anglické idiomy si lze procvičit poměrně zábavnou formou s anglickým muzikály.
Zde jsou idiomy ze slavného muzikálu Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, který na motivy známého starozákonního příběhu napsali a v roce 1968 vypustili do světa Andrew Lloyd Webber a Tim Rice.

Vaším úkolem je vybrat odpověď nejlépe vystihující tučně zvýrazněný idiom.

          Through young Joseph, Jacob lived his youth again.
          Loved him, praised him, gave him all he could, but then
          it made the rest
          feel second best.

    1. Joseph's brothers (=the rest) didn't feel they are good enough for their father.
    2. Joseph's brothers could feel that was the best second of their life.
    3. Joseph's brothers felt very well.
    4. Joseph's brothers were sure they were the best.
          But where they had really missed the boat is:
          We're great guys but no-one seems to notice!

    1. According to the narrator, the brothers were unaware of being great guys.
    2. Someone stole the brothers' boat although they were good guys.
    3. The brothers didn't catch a ferry connection.
    4. The narrator thinks the brothers had missed their opportunity and may not get another.
          Joseph's charm and winning smile
          failed to slay them in the aisle.

    1. Joseph attempted to kill his brothers.
    2. Joseph didn't succeed with his charm this time.
    3. Joseph wasn't succesful in walking up the aisles.
    4. Joseph's brothers weren't very happy about his charm and winning smile.
          We have never liked him all that much before.
          And now this coat
          has got our goat!

    1. Joseph gave his coat to his brothers' goat.
    2. Joseph's coat has really wound his brothers up.
    3. The brothers changed their mind and started to like Joseph for his new coat.
    4. The brothers were hopeful of getting the coat for themselves by exchanging it for one of their goats
          And when Joseph graced the scene
          his brothers turned a shade of green.
          His astounding clothing took the biscuit.
          Quite the smoothest person in the district!

    1. Brothers were enthused by the astounding clothing.
    2. Joseph had a mechanism under his coat that was able to steal his brothers' biscuits.
    3. Joseph was awarded the best clothing prize and got a fine record.
    4. Joseph's clothing was the most surprising and annoying thing.
           Potiphar was cool and so fine
           But my wife would never toe the line!

    1. Compared with Potifar, his wife wasn't cool and fine.
    2. Potiphar's wife wasn't able to walk a straight line.
    3. Potiphar's wife would never do anything against her husband will.
    4. Potiphar's wife would never do anything expected.
          Down at the other end of the scale
          Joseph is still doing time in jail
          for even though he is in with the guards
          a liftime in prison seems quite on the cards

    1. It seemed highly improbable to Joseph to be in prison until he died.
    2. Joseph had nothing but playing cards in jail to kill lifetime.
    3. Joseph had to pay and serve the guards in prison who he appeared to be out of favour with.
    4. Joseph was very likely to spend the rest of his life in jail.
          Well, stone the crows,
          This Joseph is a clever kid
          Who'd have thought that fourteen cows
          could mean the things he said they did?

    1. Pharaoh enjoined stoning the crows for Joseph's pleasure.
    2. Pharaoh followed a counsel of Joseph who claimed the only way to save Egypt was to kill all the birds there by stoning.
    3. Pharaoh obviously couldn't refrain from expressing his amazement.
    4. Pharaoh was rather cross with Joseph about his advice.
          Seven summers on the trot
          were perfect just as Joseph said

    1. All the Egypt didn't stop their toiling for a year as they strove for a perfect land.
    2. For seven years there was nothing but perfect harness races in Egypt.
    3. There were serious troubles with the runs in Egypt in summer.
    4. There were seven years in succession full of a generous harvest.
           We were in a jam
           would have baffled Abraham
           but now we're a partnership
           it's just a piece of cake

    1. Egypt dug itself into a hole and thanks to Joseph all troubles were easily resolved.
    2. Egypt's sovereign was much obliged to no one but Joseph for raising the tone of the local cuisine.
    3. Pharaoh scolded Joseph for a number of serious oversights during his great improvisation.
    4. Pharaoh's land got into a scrape enough but Joseph's pieces of advice just made it worse still.
  11. JOSEPH
          I shall now take them all for a ride
          After all they have tried fratricide

    1. Joseph longed for making his eleven siblings' day by taking them for a magnificent ride.
    2. Joseph's brothers were to be bestowed exeptional honours.
    3. Joseph's intention was to trick those who had tried to do him in once.
    4. There's a murder being planned in Joseph's heart.
          Honesty's our middle name

    1. Brothers admitted that whatever they said was of no consequence to what they did in fact.
    2. Brothers introduced themselves stating their full name.
    3. Brothers were trying hard to get Joseph under the impression they were no villains.
    4. These guys proclaimed they were as virtuous as old courtesans.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) d, 3) d, 4) b, 5) d, 6) d, 7) d, 8) c, 9) d, 10) a, 11) c, 12) c
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