Cvičení: Past simple (minulý prostý čas)

Vydáno dne 18.02.2013

Procvičte si tvary sloves v minulém prostém čase. Pravidelná i nepravidelná slovesa na vás čekají.

  1. I ________________________ to the cinema on Sunday. (go)

  2. My Mom ________________________ me a present. (give)

  3. My brother ________________________ home yesterday. (stay)

  4. We ________________________ songs at school on Tuesday. (sing)

  5. My friend Harry ________________________ me an hour ago. (call)

  6. I ________________________ my Mom with the housework. (help)

  7. I ________________________ chicken for lunch. (have)

  8. My Dad ________________________ TV last night. (watch)

  9. Tom ________________________ an interesting book. (read)

  10. I ________________________ my friends on Thursday. They're fine. (see)

Správné odpovědi: 1) went ; 2) gave ; 3) stayed ; 4) sang ; 5) called ; 6) helped ; 7) had ; 8) watched ; 9) read ; 10) saw
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