Use of English with musicals 4 - Intermediate

Vydáno dne 01.03.2014

Máte rádi procvičování gramatiky na textech ze skutečných knih, písní nebo básní? Zkuste to s texty z anglických muzikálů. Tento test je pro úroveň Intermediate.

Otázky v tomto testu využívají text muzikálu Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, který na motivy známého starozákonního příběhu napsali a v roce 1968 vypustili do světa Andrew Lloyd Webber a Tim Rice.

Další informace a muzikálové testy naleznete zde.

  1. I closed my eyes, ________ back the curtain…
    1. dressed
    2. drew
    3. dried
    4. drowned
  2. Any dream will ________.
    1. do
    2. fine
    3. get
    4. make
  3. A ________ of drums, a ________ of light…
    1. clash … dash
    2. crash … flash
    3. flash … splash
    4. splash … clash
  4. Through young Joseph, Jacob lived his youth again. Loved him, ________ him, gave him all he could.
    1. praised
    2. prayed
    3. preyed
    4. priced
  5. It made the rest feel ________ best.
    1. enough
    2. first
    3. second
    4. third
  6. We're great guys but no-one seems ________!
    1. have noticed
    2. notice
    3. noticing
    4. to notice
  7. Joseph's coat was elegant, the cut was fine. In a class above the rest it even ________ well with his vest.
    1. fitted
    2. matched
    3. suited
    4. went
  8. Joseph's brothers weren't too pleased ________ what they saw.
    1. by
    2. that
    3. with
  9. I dreamed I saw eleven stars, the sun, the moon and sky bowing down before my star, it made me ________ why.
    1. to wonder
    2. wonder
    3. wondered
    4. wondering
  10. What if he's right ________?
    1. all along
    2. along
    3. complete
    4. time
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) a, 3) b, 4) a, 5) c, 6) d, 7) d, 8) d, 9) b, 10) a
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