Use of English with musicals 5 - Upper-Interm.

Vydáno dne 08.03.2014

Máte rádi procvičování gramatiky na textech ze skutečných knih, písní nebo básní? Zkuste to s texty z anglických muzikálů. Tento test je pro úroveň Upper-Intermediate.

Otázky v tomto testu využívají text muzikálu Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, který na motivy známého starozákonního příběhu napsali a v roce 1968 vypustili do světa Andrew Lloyd Webber a Tim Rice.

Další informace a muzikálové testy naleznete zde.

  1. I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain to see ________ what I thought I knew.
    1. certain
    2. for certain
    3. for certainly
    4. the certain
  2. The light is ________ , and the dream is too.
    1. damming
    2. damning
    3. dimming
    4. dimpling
  3. Being told we're ________ does not make us Joseph fans.
    1. also-rans
    2. also-runners
    3. also-running
    4. also-runs
  4. It was red and yellow and green and brown and black and olive and violet and ________ .
    1. bawl
    2. fawn
    3. gawp
    4. hawk
  5. Not only ________ tactless but he's also rather dim.
    1. he is
    2. he isn't
    3. is he
    4. is not he
  6. ________ out a mighty roar Potiphar ________ through the door.
    1. Let … burst
    2. Let … bursting
    3. Letting … bursting
    4. Letting … burst
  7. Bar all the windows and ________ the light.
    1. shut
    2. shut down
    3. shut out
    4. shut up
  8. Nervously he spoke ________ he saw.
    1. about that
    2. about that what
    3. of that
    4. of what
  9. Pharaoh has ________ for you. Your execution date is set.
    1. it in
    2. it on
    3. it out
    4. it up
  10. Well, the thin cows ate the fat cows, ________ do them good.
    1. that I thought would
    2. what I thought would
    3. which I thought will
    4. which I thought would
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) c, 3) a, 4) b, 5) c, 6) d, 7) c, 8) d, 9) a, 10) d
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