Procvičování čísel (Starter)

Vydáno dne 26.07.2015

V tomto testu si mohou začátečníci procvičit zapisování čísel.

Vaším úkolem je dopsat do každé věty správné číslo. Pište slova, nikoli číslice:


  1. We have ________________________ eyes.

  2. Under our eyes, we have ________________________ nose.

  3. We have ________________________ fingers on each hand.

  4. We have ________________________ fingers together.

  5. There are ________________________ days in a week.

  6. There are ________________________ months in a year.

  7. There are ________________________ days in November.

  8. There are ________________________ seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

  9. I have ________________________ brothers: Jack, Mike and Tom.

  10. Twenty-five minus fourteen is ________________________ .

  11. Six plus seven is ________________________ .

  12. A spider has ________________________ legs.

  13. In the Czech Republic, you are adult when you are ________________________ .

  14. I have eight cars. You have one. We have ________________________ cars together.

  15. She was born in 2000. It is 2015 now. So she is ________________________ years old.

Správné odpovědi: 1) two ; 2) one ; 3) five ; 4) ten ; 5) seven ; 6) twelve ; 7) thirty ; 8) four ; 9) three ; 10) eleven ; 11) thirteen ; 12) eight ; 13) eighteen ; 14) nine ; 15) fifteen
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