World War II Trivia

Vydáno dne 26.10.2015

Letos uplynulo 70 let od konce druhé světové války. Zkuste si, co o ní víte.

  1. The actual beginning of WWII was ________ .

    1. Germany's anne­xation of Austria in March 1938
    2. in March 1939, when the German Wehrmacht moved into the remainder of Czechoslovakia
    3. the Allies' consent to give Sudetenland, part of Czechoslovakia, to Germany
    4. the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939.
  2. The Second World War lasted for ________ .

    1. 4 years
    2. 5 years
    3. 6 years
    4. 7 years
  3. At the beginning of the war, USSR and Germany were ________ .

    1. allies
    2. enemies
    3. neither allies nor enemies (they had signed a non-aggression treaty)
    4. safely isolated from each other, so they didn't care about each other
  4. In Operation Barbarossa ________ .

    1. Germany attacked USSR
    2. Germany invaded Denmark and Norway
    3. the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    4. the Western Allies invaded northern France
  5. The United States of America entered the war ________ .

    1. after Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour
    2. as Germany attacked the neutral nations of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg
    3. the moment Japan invaded China
    4. when Germany attacked USSR
  6. Who fought in the Battle of Guadalcanal?

    1. Allied forces against the Empire of Japan
    2. the Allies against Germany
    3. the Germans against the Soviets
    4. The Third Reich against the United States
  7. The Holocaust (aka Shoah) meant ________ deaths.

    1. six billion
    2. six hundred thousand
    3. six million
    4. sixty million
  8. The actual end of WWII came in ________ .

    1. April 1945, when the Reichstag was captured and Adolf Hitler committed suicide
    2. August 1945, when two nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan
    3. October 1946, when the Nuremberg trials ended
    4. September 1945, when Japan signed the surrender documents
  9. At the Big Three conferences (Teheran, Yalta, Potsdam), the top leaders of the US, Britain and USSR DIDN'T

    1. agree on the invasion of France
    2. demand “unconditional surrender” from Japan and finalize arrangements for Germany to be occupied and controlled by the Allied Control Commission
    3. focus on postwar plans for European boundaries
    4. speak about the invasion of Italy
  10. During the war, Czech soldiers distinguished themselves chiefly by ________ .
    1. breaking the Enigma code
    2. fighting at the Eastern Front
    3. rescuing the Jews from the concentration camps
    4. serving in the Royal Air Force
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) c, 3) c, 4) a, 5) a, 6) a, 7) c, 8) d, 9) d, 10) d
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