Homophones 3

Vydáno dne 31.10.2017

Homofony jsou slova, která stejně zní, ale jinak se píší. Zkuste si, zda znáte pár základních dvojic slovíček.

V každé větě vždy doplňte jedno slovo tak, aby věta dávala smysl.
V každé dvojici vět se obě slova musí vyslovovat stejně.

I can't carry this heavy bag. I'm too WEAK.
We are going on holiday next WEEK.

What did you ___________________________(1) for dinner?
You are leaving? OK,  ___________________________(2) !

Hey! Can you see me? Over ___________________________(3) !
Hey! Turn off the TV! Can you  ___________________________(4) me?

The concert was 2 ___________________________(5) long.
Don’t eat the apples! That tree is not yours, it's  ___________________________(6) !

Hello, I’m Luke! – I’m Mike. Nice to ___________________________(7) you!
Sam doesn't eat ___________________________(8) . He's a vegetarian.

All ___________________________(9) ! I'll go out with you if you want.
My daughter can ___________________________(10) and she’s only three years old!

Where is the ___________________________(11) ? – Behind the black cloud.
Does your ___________________________(12) go to school? – No, he's already at university.

There are not many children in the pool today. ___________________________(13) or three, I think.
Mary is great at English. Her brother is good at languages  ___________________________(14) .

___________________________(15) do you live?
I usually ___________________________(16) a white shirt and jeans when I go to school.

I have ___________________________(17) time for your stupid questions!
I don't ___________________________(18) her name, but I can ask her if you want.

10) I'm not speaking about your money. I'm speaking about ___________________________(19) money and how they use it!
Hello? Is anybody  ___________________________(20) ?

Správné odpovědi: 1) buy ; 2) bye / Bye ; 3) here ; 4) hear ; 5) hours ; 6) ours ; 7) meet ; 8) meat ; 9) right ; 10) write ; 11) sun ; 12) son ; 13) Two ; 14) too ; 15) Where ; 16) wear ; 17) no ; 18) know ; 19) their ; 20) there
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