Should have (cvičení)

Vydáno dne 22.09.2017

Procvičte si modální strukturu SHOULD HAVE + minulé příčestí na deseti větách.

Should have (cvičení)

Vazbu SHOULD HAVE + minulé příčestí používáme, když chceme vyjádřit, že někdo býval měl něco udělat, ale neudělal. To nyní vnímáme jako chybu.

should have taken an umbrella. – Měl jsem si vzít deštník. (Ale nevzal, byla to chyba)

Zkuste doplnit tuto strukturu do následujících deseti vět. Zamyslete se vždy nad významem a kromě správné vazby SHOULD HAVE doplňte i vhodné sloveso ve správném tvaru.

Do každé mezery doplňte tři slova.

  1. I burnt my hand. – You ________________________ more careful.

  2. It took me hours to put the bookcase together. I ________________________ the instructions, instead of throwing them away.

  3. Nobody liked the soup. Maybe I ________________________ less salt.

  4. Mom, I'm cold. – Well, you ________________________ the coat, like I told you to.

  5. My plants are dead. I ________________________ them more often.

  6. I'm hungry and it's not even lunchtime. – You ________________________ a bigger breakfast.

  7. There was nothing to drink at the party. I ________________________ my own bottle.

  8. I overslept this morning. – Well, you ________________________ two alarms.

  9. She seemed unhappy with the present. I ________________________ her something more expensive.

  10. You were right. I ________________________ to your advice.

Správné odpovědi: 1) should have been ; 2) should have read / should have followed ; 3) should have used / should have added ; 4) should have taken / should have put on ; 5) should have watered ; 6) should have had / should have eaten ; 7) should have brought / should have had ; 8) should have set ; 9) should have bought / should have given ; 10) should have listened
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