Words of the Day (Jan 2018) - quiz A

Vydáno dne 02.02.2018

Test zaměřený na deset slov, která se u nás v lednu 2018 objevila v rámci ‘Slovíček dne’.

  1. The archive was small and full of large ________ cabinets. She could hardly move.

    1. failing
    2. file
    3. filing
    4. filling
  2. Here's the form. Can you ________ and sign it here, please?

    1. fill it
    2. fill it in
    3. fill it on
    4. fill out it
  3. I can't use this pencil. Do you have another one? – No, but I think I have a ________ somewhere in my bag.

    1. sharp
    2. sharpen
    3. sharpener
    4. sharper
  4. You look horrible. Are you ok? – Well, I feel a bit under the weather to be honest. I think I'm ________ the flu.

    1. coming down with
    2. falling down with
    3. getting around with
    4. taking up
  5. Cinderella didn't know how to get to the ball, but suddenly her fairy ________ appeared, waved her magic wand and Cinderella was saved.

    1. godmother
    2. grandmother
    3. stepmother
    4. tale
  6. The stranger tied her hands and ________ her with a piece of cloth. Then he told her to get in the car.

    1. blinded
    2. blindfolded
    3. dazzled
    4. sealed
  7. When their son arrived, they noticed the car was full of ________ boxes. They immediately knew he had broken up with his fiancée.

    1. board
    2. card
    3. cardboard
    4. carton
  8. He isn't very popular with his colleagues. He always ________ how successful he is and how many contracts he signs every week.

    1. blows up
    2. boasts about
    3. praises
    4. shows off
  9. You like it? Me too. I bought it yesterday. It was fairly ________.

    1. inexpensive
    2. priceless
    3. unexpensive
    4. worthless
  10. Thank god, you're at home, honey. The kids have been ________ all day. Dennis refused to eat lunch and broke a glass. Jessica locked herself in her room for several hours. And Paul? Don't even get me started.

    1. playing
    2. playing down
    3. playing off
    4. playing up
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) b, 3) c, 4) a, 5) a, 6) b, 7) c, 8) b, 9) a, 10) d
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