Words of the Day (Sep 2018) - quiz B

Vydáno dne 04.10.2018

Druhý test zaměřený na vybraných 10 slov, která se v průběhu září 2018 objevila v rámci ‘Slovíček dne’ na našich stránkách.

  1. I learned everything I know about cooking by ________.

    1. attempt and error
    2. attempt and mistake
    3. trial and error
    4. trial and mistake
  2. Peter, stop sniffing! – Sorry, it's my allergies. Do you have a tissue? I need to ________ my nose.

    1. blow
    2. run
    3. squeeze
    4. stroke
  3. Look over there. I think the bartender is ________ on your wife.

    1. hitting
    2. chatting
    3. picking
    4. pulling
  4. I hate doing housework. It's tedious and ________. Especially ironing.

    1. time-consuming
    2. time-digesting
    3. time-eating
    4. time-using
  5. Excuse me, madam. Can you tell me how to get to ________?

    1. British Museum
    2. British museum
    3. The British Museum
    4. the British museum
  6. Our IT specialist has found a ________ in the program. It doesn't seem serious, but someone should look into it.

    1. ditch
    2. glitch
    3. stitch
    4. twitch
  7. The manufacturer claims the cooking pot is made of ________ steel. It didn't last longer than a month though. There are already rusty patches.

    1. flawless
    2. rustless
    3. spotless
    4. stainless
  8. ‘Co-co-co-come here’, he ________ nervously.

    1. growled
    2. mumbled
    3. muttered
    4. stuttered
  9. Jason and Susan are downstairs, I'll buzz them in. Could you at least put some ________ in a bowl? I think there's a packet on the kitchen counter.

    1. crisps
    2. friers
    3. fries
    4. chippers
  10. He strikes me as a warm, ________ and intelligent person.

    1. awkward
    2. peckish
    3. stinky
    4. witty
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) a, 3) a, 4) a, 5) c, 6) b, 7) d, 8) d, 9) a, 10) d
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