Cvičení: pomocná slovesa

Vydáno dne 18.10.2018

Otestujte si znalost používání pomocných sloves.

  1. Where ________ you think he works? – It's hard to say. He may be a doctor or a teacher.

    1. are
    2. do
    3. does
    4. is
  2. ________ your sister coming for dinner on Saturday too? – I don't know, maybe.

    1. Do
    2. Does
    3. Is
    4. Will
  3. Why don't you ask her if she ________ free tomorrow? – And what if she says no, huh?

    1. --
    2. does
    3. is
    4. will
  4. My wife ________ like swimming in the sea. She prefers pools. There was a great one near our hotel last summer.

    1. aren't
    2. doesn't
    3. don't
    4. isn't
  5. I ________ see Jessica when I was at the party last night. Was she really there?

    1. --
    2. did
    3. didn't
    4. wasn't
  6. Where ________ you last Friday? – I was at home with my parents. Why?

    1. --
    2. did
    3. was
    4. were
  7. Sorry, Paul ________ be able to help you next weekend. He'll be at work.

    1. --
    2. doesn't
    3. isn't
    4. won't
  8. You ________ to eat it if you don't want to, Paul. I'm sure, someone else will have it.

    1. doesn't have
    2. don't have
    3. have not
    4. haven't
  9. What's that noise? – I think the neighbours ________ having a party again.

    1. --
    2. are
    3. do
    4. is
  10. I ________ cleaning the oven, when I heard someone enter our house through the back door.

    1. am
    2. did
    3. was
    4. were
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) c, 3) c, 4) b, 5) c, 6) d, 7) d, 8) b, 9) b, 10) c
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