Words of the Day (Oct 2018) - quiz A

Vydáno dne 01.11.2018

Test zaměřený na vybraných 10 slov, která se v průběhu října 2018 objevila v rámci ‘Slovíček dne’ na našich stránkách.

  1. Jack told his daughter off for swearing, but she just blew ________ at him.

    1. a banana
    2. a pineapple
    3. a raspberry
    4. a tomato
  2. Are you going to come to my party tomorrow, Paul? – I ________, I'll let you know tonight.

    1. dunno
    2. kinda
    3. lotsa
    4. shoulda
  3. She noticed a long scar on his left ________, but didn't say anything.

    1. sigh
    2. thigh
    3. though
    4. tight
  4. When little David didn't come home before dusk, his mother completely ________.

    1. carried out
    2. freaked out
    3. kicked out
    4. stormed out
  5. The ________ price is ten dollars per one unit, but if you decide to buy in bulk, we can offer you a discount of five percent.

    1. retail
    2. retile
    3. tail
    4. tile
  6. Look at the lovely jumper. I bought it for only ten pounds. What a ________!

    1. bargain
    2. rust
    3. tart
    4. weed
  7. Steve's a ________ here and doesn't know much, so he will need our help.

    1. newbie
    2. newborn
    3. newsagent
    4. newsman
  8. There wasn't an airport on the island so we had to use a ________ from the mainland. It took only thirty minutes though.

    1. fairy
    2. ferry
    3. liner
    4. trajectory
  9. So you've finally met my husband. – Yes, he ________ my brother.

    1. memorizes me
    2. remembers me
    3. reminds me
    4. reminds me of
  10. How would you like your eggs, sir? – ________ side up, please.

    1. fried
    2. poached
    3. scrambled
    4. sunny
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) a, 3) b, 4) b, 5) a, 6) a, 7) a, 8) b, 9) d, 10) d
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