Words of the Day (Mar 2019) - quiz A

Vydáno dne 01.04.2019

Test zaměřený na vybraných 10 slov, která se v průběhu března 2019 objevila v rámci ‘Slovíček dne’ na našich stránkách.

  1. Crush only one or two black ________. If you add more, the dressing won't be good.

    1. pepper
    2. pepper balls
    3. peppercorns
    4. peppers
  2. Do you really want to leave the company because of your boss? Have you talked to someone from the ________ department? I think you should.

    1. people's
    2. person
    3. personal
    4. personnel
  3. We loved the ________ at the botanical garden, but it wasn't easy to get out of.

    1. gaze
    2. lab
    3. maize
    4. maze
  4. When we reached another dead ________, Jason said he didn't want to go to the party anymore and wanted to go home.

    1. corner
    2. end
    3. street
    4. way
  5. I followed the recipe to ________, but the cake came out really bland.

    1. a letter
    2. a T
    3. the letter
    4. the T
  6. Look, here's a ________. And here's another one, and here. I didn't know your assistant was such a careless writer.

    1. condo
    2. mono
    3. spello
    4. typo
  7. I've asked our neighbour to stop feeding ________ in his garden a million times, but he just won't listen.

    1. antlers
    2. claws
    3. pigeons
    4. talons
  8. Leave the boiled carrots in the pot, use a hand-held ________ and liquidize them. Then add salt and pepper and you're done.

    1. blender
    2. cutter
    3. chopper
    4. mower
  9. Frank, would you please ________ these apples for me? Here's a knife. – Mum, not now.

    1. knead
    2. peel
    3. pour
    4. spill
  10. Oh my god, Steve. You've brought so much food. Thank you. You're a ________.

    1. doll
    2. poll
    3. toll
    4. troll
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) d, 3) d, 4) b, 5) c, 6) d, 7) c, 8) a, 9) b, 10) a
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