Easter Joke Quiz

Vydáno dne 20.04.2019

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Easter Joke Quiz

Doplňte následující velikonoční vtipy tak, aby dávaly smysl. Jsou většinou založeny na víceznačnosti a homofonii (dvě odlišná slova mají stejnou výslovnost). Podaří se vám to?

  1. What kind of music do bunnies like? – ________.

    1. Brass Band music
    2. Heavy Metal
    3. Hip Hop
    4. Rock'n Roll
  2. What do you call a rabbit with the sniffles? – A ________ bunny.

    1. funny
    2. honey
    3. runny
    4. sunny
  3. What day does an Easter egg hate the most?

    1. Friday
    2. Monday
    3. Saturday
    4. Sunday
  4. Why did the Easter egg hide? – He was a little ________!

    1. bunny
    2. duckling
    3. chicken
    4. lamb
  5. What happened to the egg when he was tickled too much? – He ________.

    1. cracked up
    2. doubled up
    3. split his sides
    4. was in stitches
  6. Why was the Easter Bunny so upset? – He was having a bad ________ day!

    1. bee
    2. boar
    3. hare
    4. hog
  7. What does the Easter Bunny get for making a basket? – Two ________, just like anyone else.

    1. bucks
    2. carrots
    3. eggs
    4. points
  8. Why is the letter A like a flower? – A ________ comes after it.

    1. bee
    2. bunny
    3. butterfly
    4. wasp
  9. How did the rabbit dry himself? – With a ________.

    1. blow dryer
    2. hair dryer
    3. towel
    4. tumble dryer
  10. How are rabbits and calculators alike? – They both ________ quickly.

    1. add
    2. divide
    3. multiply
    4. subtract
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) c, 3) a, 4) c, 5) a, 6) c, 7) d, 8) a, 9) b, 10) c
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