Words of the Day (Apr 2019) - quiz B

Vydáno dne 04.05.2019

Test zaměřený na vybraných 10 slov, která se v průběhu dubna 2019 objevila v rámci ‘Slovíček dne’ na našich stránkách.

  1. The new stadium can seat fifty ________ people.

    1. thousand
    2. thousand of
    3. thousands
    4. thousands of
  2. He ________ off on the train and missed his stop.

    1. barked
    2. nodded
    3. shook
    4. snapped
  3. It's easy to get lost in the concrete ________ of the city.

    1. forest
    2. jungle
    3. maze
    4. tangle
  4. I had a really good time and I'm still in a ________ of happiness.

    1. fog
    2. haze
    3. mist
    4. spring
  5. Then I had ________. It was me who had to change!

    1. a passion
    2. a resurrection
    3. a sermon
    4. an epiphany
  6. The ________ was gorgeous. Everyone liked it.

    1. flower-shaped umbrella
    2. historical novel
    3. idea of a day off
    4. song he played on his ukulele
  7. The hotel was near the train ________, so it was a little noisy.

    1. landline
    2. rail
    3. road
    4. tracks
  8. They ________ and skedaddled.

    1. bought a new cat
    2. hit some ice
    3. saw the cops
    4. switched the channel
  9. It was a sad confirmation that such ideas were still very much alive and ________.

    1. barking
    2. biting
    3. breathing
    4. kicking
  10. Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you. – ________ problem.

    1. No
    2. Not a
    3. Wasn't a
    4. Without
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) b, 3) b, 4) b, 5) d, 6) a, 7) d, 8) c, 9) d, 10) a
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