Cvičení: somebody, anything, nowhere ...

Vydáno dne 15.12.2019

Umíte správně používat slovíčka somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything apod.?

  1. Would you like ________ to drink?

    1. anyone
    2. anything
    3. someone
    4. something
  2. Her boyfriend lives ________ near Manchester.

    1. anywhere
    2. someone
    3. something
    4. somewhere
  3. Do you have a minute? I'd like to ask you ________.

    1. anything
    2. anywhere
    3. someone
    4. something
  4. I didn't know ________ at the party last night.

    1. anyone
    2. anything
    3. nobody
    4. nothing
  5. I need a holiday. I want to go ________ hot.

    1. no-one
    2. someone
    3. something
    4. somewhere
  6. I want to stay at home. I don't want to go ________.

    1. anyone
    2. anywhere
    3. nowhere
    4. somewhere
  7. Do you know ________ about him?

    1. anybody
    2. anyone
    3. anything
    4. someone
  8. Sorry, it's too hard. ________ could do it.

    1. Anybody
    2. Anyone
    3. Nobody
    4. Something
  9. Don't talk to me. I have ________ to say to you.

    1. anything
    2. nothing
    3. someone
    4. somewhere
  10. There's ________ waiting for you at the door.

    1. anybody
    2. anything
    3. somebody
    4. somewhere
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) d, 3) d, 4) a, 5) d, 6) b, 7) c, 8) c, 9) b, 10) c
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