Words of the Day (Nov 2020) - quiz A

Vydáno dne 03.12.2020

Test zaměřený na 10 slov, která se v průběhu listopadu 2020 objevila v rámci ‘Slovíček dne’ na našich stránkách.

  1. He was absolutely ________ when I told him what had happened. He wouldn't stop shouting so I left.

    1. angry
    2. livid
    3. nifty
    4. vivid
  2. I don't have the proper tools at the moment, but this small screwdriver should do the ________.

    1. charm
    2. magic
    3. spell
    4. trick
  3. I'm not going to invite a lot of people. I don't want the party to get out of ________.

    1. a hand
    2. hand
    3. hands
    4. the hands
  4. I've bought a special new detergent to ________.

    1. add to my morning yoghurt
    2. exercise with
    3. to put on my office desk
    4. wash my delicates with
  5. If you have ________, you should hold your breath or drink some water.

    1. a ballot
    2. hiccups
    3. laps
    4. vicinity
  6. Don't worry, our hotel reception operates around the ________.

    1. clock
    2. day and night
    3. hour
    4. nonstop
  7. The fire started early in the morning and they didn't manage to ________ until noon.

    1. extinguish it
    2. glimpse it
    3. persevere it
    4. put it down
  8. When I make a cherry pie, I use this little gadget to remove the ________.

    1. pips
    2. rocks
    3. seeds
    4. stones
  9. The boat is ________ by a diesel engine.

    1. probed
    2. propelled
    3. propounded
    4. protruded
  10. We have a small ________ in Manchester with about twenty people.

    1. sublime
    2. submerge
    3. subordinate
    4. subsidiary
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) d, 3) b, 4) d, 5) b, 6) a, 7) a, 8) d, 9) b, 10) d
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