Words of the Day (Aug 2021) - quiz A

Vydáno dne 04.09.2021

Test zaměřený na 10 slov, která se v průběhu srpna 2021 objevila v rámci ‘Slovíček dne’ na našich stránkách.

  1. He can't make an omelette, ________ cook a proper meal.

    1. as far as
    2. happen to
    3. let alone
    4. so to speak
  2. I am terribly sorry, sir. I can ________ you it will never happen again.

    1. assure
    2. ensure
    3. insure
    4. make sure
  3. I'm feeling a little peckish. ________

    1. Do you have something to eat?
    2. I need to go to bed.
    3. I need to sit down.
    4. I want to drink something.
  4. The rocket was supposed to ________ at 10 am.

    1. launch
    2. lounge
    3. lunge
    4. lunch
  5. Sorry, I can't come tomorrow. I have an appointment with my ________.

    1. dentist
    2. friends
    3. parents
    4. sister
  6. I wanted to apologize to her over the phone, but now I think I will go there ________.

    1. in person
    2. in the flesh
    3. personally
    4. personnel
  7. Oh, your garden looks so ________. All the plants are green and healthy.

    1. blush
    2. lush
    3. mush
    4. slush
  8. I'm really tired. I need to lie in a hot ________.

    1. tub
    2. tuba
    3. tube
    4. tuber
  9. She didn't really know how to fill up the tank of her car, so she asked a petrol-station ________.

    1. attednance
    2. attendant
    3. attendee
    4. attender
  10. I was in a meeting this morning and my stomach started ________. It was so embarrassing.

    1. crooking
    2. drowning
    3. fathoming
    4. rumbling
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) a, 3) a, 4) a, 5) a, 6) a, 7) b, 8) a, 9) b, 10) d
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