Test: Třetí kondicionál

Vydáno dne 17.06.2022

Test zaměřený na to, jestli rozumíte tvoření souvětí se třetím kondicionálem (nereálné podmínky v minulosti).

  1. If I ________ the red light, I would have stopped.

    1. had noticed
    2. noticed
    3. would have notice
    4. would have noticed
  2. The Titanic ________ if it hadn't hit the iceberg.

    1. hadn't sunk
    2. would haven't sunk
    3. wouldn't had sunk
    4. wouldn't have sunk
  3. If he ________ for help, he wouldn't have finished the project in time.

    1. hadn't asked
    2. hadn't have asked
    3. wouldn't had ask
    4. wouldn't have asked
  4. If you hadn't left the Legos on the floor, I ________ on them.

    1. hadn't stepped
    2. would haven't stepped
    3. wouldn't have stepped
    4. wouldn't of stepped
  5. If we ________ earlier, we wouldn't have missed the beginning of the movie.

    1. had left
    2. have left
    3. left
    4. would have left
  6. He ________ the race if he hadn't tripped.

    1. can't have won
    2. could have won
    3. may have won
    4. should have won
  7. Who knows what would have happened if his dad ________ there.

    1. hadn't been
    2. hadn't have been
    3. wouldn't be
    4. wouldn't have been
  8. We ________ the hike better if it had been sunnier.

    1. enjoyed
    2. had enjoyed
    3. would enjoy
    4. would have enjoyed
  9. They wouldn't have gotten lost if ________ a map.

    1. had they had
    2. they would had
    3. they'd had
    4. they'd have
  10. If I'd had another coffee, ________ able to fall asleep.

    1. I hadn't been
    2. I weren't
    3. I wouldn't
    4. I wouldn't have been
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) d, 3) a, 4) c, 5) a, 6) b, 7) a, 8) d, 9) c, 10) d
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