Reading is fun, so let us know what you read and what the best book you've read is!
Reading is fun, so let us know what you read and what the best book you've read is!
I like reading very much so it is difficult to say name of my favourite book. But one of the most nice and interesting book which I have already read is Little Prince.
I agree, it is difficult to say name of a favourite book. I like books by
Arthur Haily or Barbara Wood from word´s authors. They are very interesting
and exciting. It is child´s
books by Amálie Kutinová Gabra a Málinka at what I remember kindly too.
Wow! I can remember Gabra a Malinka, too. I used to love it when I was a
child. And now I love almost all books of Agatha Christie, my favourite one is
the Ten Little Niggers. It's interesting that now I'm living in a town where
Agatha spent last years of her life. I'm going to read some books of her in
English. Well, I'll try it
I love books of Agatha Christie too. They are very expensive. Agatha
Christie was a very clever woman. I have never known who is the murderer before
end. I have got the book The Little Niggers at home.
My favourite book is definetely The Alchemist. I got that book as a leaving gift from my summer girlfriend when I was in U.s. It is a little sentimental touch for me. I must have read it thousand times. Anybody knows the sheperdboy called Santiago?
Hi, I had heard about The Alchemist and wanted to borrow one from library,
but in English it´s only somewhere in “Břevnov” library and that is quite
far for me to get there – nevertheless what level of English, do you think,
is The Alchemist book? [br] I found next book by Coelho which seems to be nice:
Veronika decides to die. That is about forever returning question where is the limit of
normality?; who (or what) is still normal and who is already insane? But is also
Břevnov lib.
[br] By
Hello, I read „Veronika desides to die“ in Czech and found it
excellent…Except the end which is a bit too weird it has so much to say! And
to think about.
And Little Prince is my favourite book! And it is strange, but I must have read
Gabra a Malinka (all 6 volumes) at least 5 times alltogether.
Nice to see I am not the only one…
Hi, I've read Veronica, too. But I must say that from my opinion the best think about this book is the surprising end! I don't find it weird just unexpected. I just love the idea of „psycholigical test“ that have been made to Veronica. I' ve also read The Alchemist – I like its atmosphere and magic. But I read it long time ago and I don't remember it clearly (may be because I miss the sentimental touch:-))But the most favourite book of mine is Orwell's 1984. Has anybody read that one? And what about poetry? Do you like it or not?
Hi, I read „1984“ five years ago. It's realistic book. I've also read
other book from Orwell.It was „Animals' farm“.I like this story.Its plot is
still current. But I've read these books in Russian.
Hi, to Simi: The end of „Veronica“ was too unrealistic which
I didnt like as all the book was quite realistic :shock: It was very
suprising, I agree, and usually that is what I find interesting, but in this
context......too big contrast. I mean I loved the idea of the book but
t agree with the „test“ on Veronica. Is it ethic?
About „1984“ – I didn`t finish it, it reminded me too much of what was
happening here before 1989…Can it be that they were inspired with
the book?
to Simi – I like reading poetry but I must have a mood for it. One of my favourite poet is Karel Kryl. Although I didn´t live in his time a admire him. I also like reading Jiří Orten or František Gellner. Lately I like French poet Jacques Prévert. I think that he wrote very interesting poems. But I like a lot of poems and I can´t write there all of their names. But sometimes it is quite difficult to understand some poem that is why people don´t like poetry much. Do you like poetry? which poet do you read?
For all you poetry lovers: we will have some poetry on our website soon!
As to poetry, world will never seem to be the same to you, once you took time to read attentively some poems by Jan Skácel. To those who love poetry, try as well Yves Bonnefoy „O hybnosti a nehybnosti jámy“, in the translation by Jiří Pelán, it's delicious. And allow me one more recommandation for all girls with broken hearts – read Lady L. by Romain Gary, which is prose but filled with much poetry, just to find out what to do to be a real Lady (even with a broken heart).
To Pavlusa: Well, this book (1984) was written in 1948 so it is closely
connected with „the system“ and Orwell also described his fears of comming
years. As we can see his worries were well-taken.
To janatánek: I adore the poetry of Jacques Prévert. He is the most favourite
poet of mine. I love the feeling that someone can say what I´ve been just
thinking about. And of course in such a beautiful way like Prévert.
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