Test: Verb patterns 4

Vydáno dne 15.11.2008

Další test na slovesné vzorce.

Obsáhlý článek o slovesných vzorcích naleznete zde.

  1. I expect my father ________ at the airport at 5. The plane shouldn't be late. I checked it on the Internet.

    1. arrive
    2. arriving
    3. be arriving
    4. to arrive
  2. The boss ordered the employees ________ early on Monday, but nobody wanted to do it.

    1. came
    2. come
    3. coming
    4. to come
  3. Can you really imagine ________ in such a house? Then buy it!

    1. live
    2. living
    3. to live
    4. to living
  4. We went ________ yesterday, but it started raining so we came back.

    1. hike
    2. hiked
    3. hiking
    4. to hike
  5. I had a hard time ________ your house. I need to buy a new map.

    1. find
    2. finding
    3. found
    4. to find
  6. I know I shouldn't really say that, but I prefer ________ to walking.

    1. drive
    2. driving
    3. drove
    4. to drive
  7. I advised him ________ that house now, but he prefers to wait a little longer.

    1. buy
    2. buying
    3. to buy
    4. to buying
  8. Susan regrets ________ him her secret. She specifically told him not to tell anyone, but everyone knows now.

    1. tell
    2. telling
    3. to tell
    4. told
  9. David postponed ________ back home because everybody seemed really sad.

    1. leave
    2. leaving
    3. to leave
    4. to leaving
  10. Jack decided ________ his birth father in the end. After all, there was probably nothing they could talk about after all those years apart.

    1. contact
    2. contacting
    3. not to contact
    4. to contact
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) d, 3) b, 4) c, 5) b, 6) b, 7) c, 8) b, 9) b, 10) c
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