Vydáno dne 06.04.2009

Otestujte si, zda umíte správně používat slovíčka FALL, FILL, FAIL, FILE a FEEL.

Doplňte do vět správné tvary následujících slovíček:

Pokud si nejste jisti, můžete si nejprve přečíst článek

  1. She ___________________________(1) absolutely nothing when I touched her.
    1. Can you ___________________________(2) in the form and give it to the receptionist?
    2. Even though he studied very hard, he ___________________________(3) the test miserably.
    3. You should ___________________________(4) the documents as soon as they arrive.
    4. He ___________________________(5) down the stairs and broke his leg.
    5. Look! A star is ___________________________(6) . Make a wish.
    6. The cake with strawberry ___________________________(7) is delicious.
    7. I was ___________________________(8) the report when the phone rang.
    8. After ___________________________(9) my driving test, I decided never to try again.
    9. Expecting a baby is the best ___________________________(10) in the world.
Správné odpovědi: 1) felt ; 2) fill ; 3) failed ; 4) file ; 5) fell ; 6) falling ; 7) filling ; 8) filing ; 9) failing / having failed ; 10) feeling
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