Otázky: look, look like, be like...

Vydáno dne 07.12.2009

Otestujte si, zda umíte správně pokládat záludné otázky se slovíčky LOOK a LIKE.

Pokud si nejste jisti, zda znáte tuto gramatiku dobře, rozhodně doporučujeme přečíst si odpovídající článek zde.

  1. Have you seen our new English teacher? – I'm not sure, ________

    1. how does he look like?
    2. how does he look?
    3. what does he look like?
    4. what does he look?
  2. Honey, look! I bought a new dress for the party yesterday. ________

    1. How do I look like?
    2. How do I look?
    3. What do I look like?
    4. What do I look?
  3. There's just been a hit-and-run accident! Did you see that? ________

    1. How did the car look like?
    2. How did the car look?
    3. How looked the car?
    4. What did the car look like?
  4. I'm not sure I'm ready to meet your parents yet, Susan. I mean, I know nothing about them. ________

    1. How are they like?
    2. How are they?
    3. What are they like?
    4. What are they?
  5. Sorry about the mess. We're having our ground floor reconstructed. – Really? ________

    1. How is your new kitchen like?
    2. How will your new kitchen look like?
    3. What will your new kitchen look like?
    4. What will your new kitchen look?
  6. ________ You've been together for over a month and you still haven't introduced us.

    1. How does your new boyfriend look like?
    2. How is your new boyfriend like?
    3. How looks your new boyfriend?
    4. What is your new boyfriend like?
  7. It's your brother's birthday tomorrow, isn't it? I'd like to buy him something. ________

    1. How does he look?
    2. How is he?
    3. What does he like?
    4. What does he look like?
  8. Jack bought a new car yesterday. – ________

    1. How does it look like?
    2. How does it look?
    3. What does it look like?
    4. What does it look?
  9. Rachel, is that you? Come here, I'm in the kitchen. So ________

    1. how did the concert look like?
    2. how was the concert like?
    3. what did the concert look like?
    4. what was the concert like?
  10. Jack is still in bed? ________ Maybe it's the flu. – Well, he looks and feels a bit better so I think it's just a cold.

    1. How does he look like?
    2. How does he look?
    3. What does he like?
    4. What does he look like?
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) c, 2) b, 3) d, 4) c, 5) c, 6) d, 7) c, 8) c, 9) d, 10) b
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