WINE (test)

Vydáno dne 18.10.2010

Otestujte si znalosti slovní zásoby spojené s vínem.

Pokud váháte, přečtěte si více v článku ‘Víno’ není pouze WINE.

  1. Wine with carbon dioxide is called ________ wine. It's usually white or rosé. People often call it ‘champagne’ even though it doesn't come from Champagne region of France.

    1. bubbling
    2. carbonated
    3. fizzy
    4. sparkling
  2. Wine that is made from berries that were all or mostly grown in a particular year (and labelled as such) is called ________ wine. It is usually more expensive than regular wine.

    1. vantage
    2. vintage
    3. year
    4. yearly
  3. One of the reasons you would return a bottle of wine at a restaurant is its bad taste caused by the cork that has been used to seal the bottle. The wine is then ________.

    1. corked
    2. corky
    3. corny
    4. spoiled
  4. It isn't very practical to try and close an open bottle with its original cork. That's why you can buy countless number of different ________ for this purpose.

    1. cappers
    2. closers
    3. lidders
    4. stoppers
  5. The best place to store wine is a ________, where you can keep wine in bottles or barrels.

    1. wine cell
    2. wine cellar
    3. winery
    4. wineyard
  6. A sour liquid usually made from wine that is used to improve the taste of food is ________. There are many varieties.

    1. vinacid
    2. vinegar
    3. wine acid
    4. winegar
  7. Chardonnay, Merlot or Savignon are some of the best-known wine types. Instead of ‘wine type’ you can also use ‘wine ________’.

    1. alternative
    2. kind
    3. variation
    4. variety
  8. A plant with long thin stems that bears round berries necessary to produce wine is a ________.

    1. vine
    2. viner
    3. wine
    4. winer
  9. Wine or champagne is usually made from small berries of white or blue colour called ________.

    1. grapefruits
    2. grapes
    3. vines
    4. wines
  10. A piece of land, usually quite large, that is used to grow plants that give fruits crucial for wine production is a ________.

    1. vinery
    2. vineyard
    3. winery
    4. wineyard
  11. A glass of champagne can be informally called a glass of ________.

    1. bubbles
    2. bubbly
    3. champ
    4. champs
  12. When you mix soda water and usually white wine you get a very popular drink called a ________.

    1. spiller
    2. spritzer
    3. viner
    4. winer
  13. When you order a bottle of champagne in a good restaurant, the waiter will bring the wine in ________.

    1. a barrel
    2. a refrigerator
    3. an ice bucket
    4. an icer
  14. A tool that is used to open a wine bottle is a ________.

    1. corker
    2. corkscrew
    3. corkswitch
    4. screwer
  15. At a wedding, for example, when you raise a glass of wine or champagne to give a speech to the newlyweds, you propose a ________.

    1. drink
    2. drinker
    3. toast
    4. toaster
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) b, 3) a, 4) d, 5) b, 6) b, 7) d, 8) a, 9) b, 10) b, 11) b, 12) b, 13) c, 14) b, 15) c
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