Čím..., tím... (TEST)

Vydáno dne 14.01.2011

Umíte správně vyjádřit například spojení ‚čím dříve, tím lépe‘ nebo ‚čím pilněji budeš studovat, tím více se naučíš‘? Otestujte se.

Ze čtyř vět je vždy pouze jedna správně, označte ji. Pokud si nejste jisti, přečtěte si článek.

    1. The more people you invite to the party, the more food you'll have to prepare.
    2. The more people you'll invite to the party, the more food you'll have to prepare.
    3. The more you invite people to the party, the more food you'll have to prepare.
    4. The more you invite people to the party, the more you'll have to prepare food.
    1. The darker the clouds were, the faster we ran towards the house.
    2. The darker the clouds were, we ran faster towards the house.
    3. The darker were the clouds, the faster we ran towards the house.
    4. The darker were the clouds, then we ran towards the house.
    1. I waited longer for her to say something, the more I got angry.
    2. Longer I waited for her to say something, the angrier I got.
    3. The longer I waited for her to say something, the angrier I got.
    4. The longer I waited for her to say something, the more I got angry.
    1. The older their kids were, the bigger the problems with their upbringing were.
    2. The older were their kids, the bigger the problems with their upbringing were.
    3. The older were their kids, the bigger were the problems with their upbringing.
    4. When their kids were older, the bigger were the problems with their upbringing.
    1. The more mistakes you make, the worse mark you'll get.
    2. The more mistakes you make, you'll get worse mark.
    3. The more you make mistakes, the worse mark you'll get.
    4. The more you make mistakes, the worse you'll get mark.
    1. The less food she ate, she got thinner.
    2. The less food she ate, the thinner she got.
    3. The less she ate food, she got thinner.
    4. The less she ate food, the thinner she got.
    1. The fewer come people, the more food there will be left for us.
    2. The fewer people come, the more food there will be left for us.
    3. The fewer people come, the more food will there be left for us.
    4. The fewer people come, the more there will be food left for us.
    1. The more he became powerful, the more arrogant he was.
    2. The more he became powerful, the more arrogant was he.
    3. The more powerful he became, the more arrogant he was.
    4. The more powerful he became, the more arrogant was he.
    1. More people attend the meeting, it will take longer.
    2. The more people attend the meeting, the longer it will take.
    3. The more people attend the meeting, the more it will take long.
    4. The more people will attend the meeting, the longer it will take.
    1. The more is the air polluted, the sadder the people will be.
    2. The more is the air polluted, the sadder will be the people.
    3. The more polluted the air is, the sadder the people will be.
    4. The more polluted the air is, the sadder will be the people.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) a, 3) c, 4) a, 5) a, 6) b, 7) b, 8) c, 9) b, 10) c
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