Number idioms (test)

Vydáno dne 06.06.2011

Otestujte své znalosti idiomů obsahujících čísla.

Pokud si nejste jisti, přečtěte si nejprve článek.

  1. I can't believe it. She actually agreed to go out on a date with me. That's so amazing! I am on ________ .

    1. cloud nine
    2. cloud seven
    3. seventh wind
    4. sunny eight
  2. I was introduced to my new colleagues, but you know how it is, the names went ________ .

    1. in one ear and out the other
    2. in the first ear and out the other ear
    3. inside one ear and outside the other
    4. one ear in and second ear out
  3. You can't book the tickets online. You have to go there in person, so it's ________.

    1. early come, early go
    2. first come, early served
    3. first come, first get
    4. first come, first served
  4. I've decided to visit my aunt in the end. My mom has asked me at least twenty times. And while I'm there I can ask her to lend me her beloved car. I may actually ________ .

    1. kill two birds with one stone
    2. kill two bugs with one go
    3. kill two flies with one hit
    4. kill two moths with one rock
  5. Are you nuts? Why would I want to jeopardize my relationship for a ________, no matter how fun and tempting it might be at the time?

    1. one-night sex
    2. one-night sexing
    3. one-night stand
    4. one-night standing
  6. Don't listen to him. Can't you see? He's just an annoying idiot who's had ________ .

    1. more than one
    2. one too many
    3. too many
    4. too many one
  7. Ok, so you basically want to eat either this chocolate bar or this slice of cheesecake? Well, the chocolate is definitely the ________ .

    1. less from two evils
    2. lesser of two evils
    3. smaller evil
    4. smaller of two evils
  8. Did you hear David's speech at the conference yesterday? It was amazing, simply ________ I would say.

    1. first best
    2. one better
    3. second best
    4. second to none
  9. He was bald and his face was darkened by a heavy ________, but his black eyes gave him a youthful appearance.

    1. five o'clock shadow
    2. four o'clock shave
    3. seven o'clock beard
    4. six o'clock shade
  10. Well, if you're tired, why don't you go and ________? I'll wake you up when the guests arrive.

    1. have fifty snoozes
    2. have forty winks
    3. have thirty blinks
    4. have twenty lashes
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) a, 3) d, 4) a, 5) c, 6) b, 7) b, 8) d, 9) a, 10) b
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