Shoda přísudku s podmětem (cvičení 2)

Vydáno dne 14.11.2017

Cvičení zaměřené na shodu přísudku s podmětem.

Doplňte do následujících vět správný tvar slovesa tak, aby odpovídal podmětu věty. Pokud si touto gramatikou nejste jistí, přečtěte si článek Shoda přísudku s podmětem.

  1. Two kids stayed at home. The rest ________ at school.

    1. was
    2. were
  2. The cover art of the books ________ beautiful.

    1. was
    2. were
  3. The Netherlands ________ neutral during World War I.

    1. was
    2. were
  4. Each of the problems ________ to be solved differently.

    1. need
    2. needs
  5. Thanks to vaccination, mumps ________ very common anymore.

    1. aren't
    2. isn't
  6. Either you or your brother ________ to do it.

    1. has
    2. have
  7. I think the lyrics ________ wrong here. It should be ‘love’, not ‘laugh’.

    1. are
    2. is
  8. Stranger Things ________ a great TV show, a must!

    1. are
    2. is
  9. A bunch of kids ________ hanging around the playground.

    1. was
    2. were
  10. Salt and pepper ________ on almost every table.

    1. are
    2. is
Správné odpovědi: 1) b, 2) a, 3) a, 4) b, 5) b, 6) a, 7) a, 8) b, 9) b, 10) a
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