Vydáno dne 25.04.2022
Víte, co znamená RED FLAG nebo SILVER LINING? A co PINK EYE? Máme pro
vás 10 idiomů, které obsahují různé barvy.
Idiomy jsou zažitá spojení, která v doslovném překladu nedávají často příliš smysl, proto je pochopení významu poměrně komplikované. Více si o problematice idiomů přečtěte v článku Idiomy v angličtině.
red flag/ˌred 'flæg/ – varovné znamení (že je něco špatně)
Be careful when shopping on the Internet. If an online shop doesn't have a telephone number you can call, it's a red flag.
His controlling behaviour was another red flag, but she refused to see it and married him.*2
silver lining/ˌsɪlvə'laɪnɪŋ/ – světlá stránka (něco dobrého na něčem zlém)
He had become so depressed that he couldn't see the silver lining anymore.
My family helped me see that there was a silver lining to my situation.*4
out of the blue/ˌaʊt əv ðə'blu:/ – zničehonic, zčistajasna, znenadání, nečekaně
Out of the blue, a boar came in front of her car and she hit it.
Her filing for a divorce came out of the blue for him.*6
once in a blue moon/ˌwʌns ɪnəˌblu:'mu:n/ – jednou za uherský rok (skoro nikdy)
They only visit their grandparents once in a blue moon.
We go dancing once in a blue moon, but I don't really mind. I'm not a good dancer.*8
pink eye/'pɪŋkˌaɪ/ – zánět spojivek
I had no idea wearing mascara may cause pink eye.
I got pink eye again and I am not sure if I should get antibiotics.*10
Pozn.: Můžeme psát i jako jedno slovo pinkeye. Odborně se používá pro zánět spojivek slovo conjunctivitis/kən'dʒʌŋktɪ'vaɪtɪs/.
black eye/'blæk aɪ/ – monokl
She always feels sad when she sees her husband with a black eye. – Well, she shouldn't have married a boxer.
Her son is a real bully, but yesterday somebody gave him a black eye.*12
blue-ribbon/ˌblu: 'rɪbən/ –
prvotřídní, výběrový
blue ribbon/ˌblu: 'rɪbən/ –
první cena, cena pro nejlepší (často
zdobená modrou stuhou)
She was an avid gardener and sold her blue-ribbon tomatoes at local farmers markets.
My aunt won a blue ribbon at a baking contest.*14
green with envy/ˌgri:n wɪð 'envi/ – zelený závistí
My husband was green with envy when he saw our neighbours' new car.
They're going to Spain for the second time this summer. I'm green with envy.*16
born with a silver spoon in your mouth/ˌbɔ:n wɪðə sɪlvə 'spu:n ɪn jə ˌmʌʊθ/ – pocházející ze zámožné rodiny
We can't afford a private school for our daughter. Not everyone can be born with a silver spoon in their mouth, you know?
His parents never had to work and neither does he. He was clearly born with a silver spoon in the mouth.*18
Pozn.: Když je kontext jasný, stačí někdy pouze born with a silver spoon.
catch somebody red-handed/ˌkætʃ sʌmbədi ˌred'hændɪd/ – chytit někoho přímo při činu
If you naively think you'll catch him red-handed, think again. He's way smarter than that.
The puppy was caught red-handed when it was stealing some cookies again.*20