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hike - word of the day


Ke konci článku uvádíte další slůvka. Jako backpacking a trekking. Tak přemýšlím, jestli naše túra s tátou může být trekking. Prošli jsme Nízké Tatry po hřebenu. Ale zase jsme nešli mimo cesty, a trekking je také mimo cesty. No, a trvalo nám to asi týden či půl týdne – už nevím.

Trekking sounds ok in the context you describe. Ono to „trekking je také mimo cesty“ není až tak podstatné, a co je to vlastně cesta (HfE „není cesta jako cesta“) – road, trail, path? Podstatnější je „long“ a „hard“, „over several days“ a (v daném případě) „po hřebenu“ (along the ridge).

trek – dlouhá cesta, túra a long, hard walk over hills, forests or mountains, usually lasting several days (HfE)

trekking: the activity of walking long distances on foot for pleasure (Cambridge)

We really enjoyed our trek in the Tatras… We are still in Slovakia, spending a couple of days in Bratislava after our trekking. … As for feedback to improve the offer, I would suggest that you provide a bit more information in advance about the demands and difficulties of the route. It was a bit too difficult (long) for us given our age and fitness and walkers who are used to trails in some other countries (particularly the UK) would not expect the distances to take so long to complete. When choosing the trek we looked at the Km figures and elevation figures and thought they were within our capability. (travelslovaki­ – all these comments are from BrE native speakers)


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