Help for English

SOON vs. EARLY (test)

ELEMENTARY Vydáno dne 19.08.2012

Umíte správně přeložit české slovo „brzy“? Otestujte se.

Pokud si nejste jisti, přečtěte si "článek"":SOON vs. EARLY.

  1. My brother gets up ________ on weekdays. He needs to catch the 5:45 train to work. He sleeps until noon at weekends.

  2. She called me and said she's going to be here ________. If she doesn't come in five minutes, I'm going home.

  3. I have to go ________. My wife is expecting me to help her with the dinner. I'll see you at eight.

  4. Normally you can check into the hotel after 2 o'clock. If you want to check in ________, you should contact the front desk.

  5. I don't want to take a taxi. It's still quite ________. I can take the underground.

  6. Your boss needs the information as ________ as possible. Do you think you'll be able to email him today?

  7. He learnt to play the violin as ________ as five. Would you believe that?

  8. Her parents came ________ this morning and took her back home. She wasn't happy about it, but there was nothing she could do.

  9. Most of the students arrived at eight and the rest came ________ after that.

  10. John wasn't really qualified for the job and his boss realized very ________ that he had lied in his CV.

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Umíte správně používat tato dvě slovíčka, která v češtině vyjadřují “brzy”?



Pokud jste úplní začátečníci, možná také chybujete ve výslovnosti těchto slovíček. Než článek otevřete, zkuste si je nahlas přečíst a přeložit.



Dnešní cvičení se zaměřuje na používání sloves MAKE a DO v ústálených spojeních.
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Nepřečteno SOON vs. EARLY (test) 23 15143 Od Daniel Müller poslední příspěvek
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