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Grammar Theme Park: Pregnancy

UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 18.01.2015

Gramatický test, ve kterém se všechny věty týkají nějakého konkrétního tématu. Tentokrát je to těhotenství.

  1. – We’ve got ________ for you, sir! Your wife is pregnant!!
    – Really?! That’s wonderful!
  2. The interviewer inquired whether they were expecting a boy or a girl, but they ________ her.
  3. Pregnancy is divided into three parts called trimesters, ________ many women have nausea and vomiting.
  4. – I was with my wife at the first scan and we saw our baby!
    – It ________ fantastic!
  5. A: How is it going? How are you feeling?
    B: Don’t even mention it! Now it’s much better but I ________ for about 2 months! In the end I had to quit my job. Can you imagine that?
  6. Did you ask her ________ call their baby?
  7. You know you are pregnant when your giant belly prevents you from patting your little ________ on the ground as you walk by…
  8. – Have you chosen the maternity hospital yet?
    – In fact, I’d prefer a home birth.
    – Have you gone mad? ________ happened, what would you do??
    – You read something about it first and speak then, will you?

  9. The third trimester’s te­rrible, I am like a balloon! It's not true you can ________ move – you can't move at all!!
  10. I was really looking forward to being present at the birth but, unfortunately, when my wife was giving ________ , I was on a business trip in the RSA.

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