Help for English

Vety kontrola


Ahojte, prosím Vás mohli by ste mi skontrolovať tieto vety. Vlastne jedná sa o to, že mám otázky a mám na ne nejakým spôsobom odpovedať. (Ak by ste vedeli o niečom čo by sa mi hodilo do odpovede mohli by ste mi to napísať, ďakujem…hlavne som zúfali pri tej otázke o nehode a následnej prvej pomoci.) Ak by ste vedeli aj o nejakých článkoch (alebo niečom podobnom) ktoré by súveseli s týmito otázkami, kludne môžte napísať. Ďakujem vopred za pomoc.

Can you drive a car? Would you like to have your own car? So, Yes I can drive a car. I have a driving licence just about 5 months. I had a really good feel, when I done driving exam. I was proud of themselves and my parents too. I would like to have my own car, because it will be better for me. I will be able ride anywhere and anytime. On the other side I think it will be some kind of responsibility for me actually for anyone. It is a big advantage, when the person have own car.

What would you do if you saw a car crash? Would you be able to give the first aid? First, I called on 112, because this phone number is universal number for Help. After, I tried a first aid. Yes, I knew give a first aid, because when I was doing driver´s licence, I had to go on first aid. I personally hope, that I never get to such situation.

Which means of transport do you prefer using to get your holiday destination and why? This is really good question for me. I prefer traveling by train, because I think that is the best way of traveling for me. Traveling by car is very confortable and I like a place where is a lot of space. It is quite cheap. In contrast witch traveling by car which is uncomfortable or traveling by plane wich is quite expensive for some people.

Can you drive a car? Would you like to have your own car? So, Yes I can drive a car. I have had a driving licence for just about 5 months. I had a really good feeling, when I done passed my driving exam. I was proud of themselves myself and so were my parents too. I would like to have my own car, because it will be better for me. I will be able to ride anywhere and anytime. On the other side hand, I think it will be some kind of great responsibility for me; actually for anyone everyone. It is a big advantage, when the a person have has their own car.

Pred “when” a “because” bych osobne nedaval carky, ale je to vec stylu.

Ďakujem Ti!

Prosím Vás ešte o kontrolu tých zvyšných dvoch.

Prosím o ešte o kontrolu tejto vety: You have chosen me questions number 7, number 13 and number 19. (Vybrali ste mi otázky číslo 7,číslo 18 a číslo 19)



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