Help for English

Situation puzzles


Při hodinách s “nativem” jsme měli rádi situation puzzles, otázkami, na které se dá odpovědět jen ano nebo ne jsme zjišťovali co se stalo. Našla jsem stránky, kde takové situation puzzles jsou. 


A man works at an aquarium. Every day he spends a large chunk of his time trying to stop people from tapping on the glass at the shark tank. Finally, fed up with it, he comes up with a solution. The solution works perfectly; the next day no one taps on the glass. However, he is fired for it. What was the man's solution?

A zde jsou ty stránky kde toho najdete víc.…appened.html

Vyzera to zaujimavo.

Tu su tiez nejake puzzles.…girls-puzzle

four boys and four girls puzzle

Four boys and four girls go to a movie theater to see a movie. All the boys sit together and all the girls sit together. All the boys and girls are sitting in 8 adjacent seats. After some time, the lights suddenly go off. The manager of the theater calls 1008990, and after a few minutes, the lights come again. But this time, each boy is sitting next to a girl (i.e., they are sitting in pairs). How did this happen?


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