Help for English

Words lists by usage frequency


Hello, I've just found these lists of english words:

  1. 100 most frequent english words:…s_in_English
  2. 850 most frequent english words:…sh_word_list
  3. 2 800 most frequent english words:…Service_List

Do you think it is good idea to improve my english vocabulary with these kind of lists? Do you know any similar lists which is based on linquistic analysis on how often the words are used? Do you know any similar list with czech translations?

Thanks :-)

Hello, well, it depends on what is your learning style… every single person is different. One might consider learning and remembering such lists by heart as a waste of time, the other might find them very helpful. The question is whether you can use the learnt words in real-life situations. I myself find learning words in a wider context much more useful. There is this one thread in the section Ostatní about polyglotes where a guy can memorize an incredible amount of words with the help of a specific technique but it doesn't work for me.


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