Help for English

stung co znamena


prosím co znamena stung v tomto významu

Well my family got that shirt for me for Christmas this year.

Ouch, it's not as mean as it sounds.

It was just a gag gift.

We're the kind of family that's always teasing each other and.

They also got me some thoughtful things too.

But the shirt stung.

Yeah, I can see why.

Have you done anything to deserve the reputation?

Sám jsem jako anglicky rodilý mluvčí tomu slovu v daném kontextu nerozuměl. Podle Urban Dictionary je význam “to embarrass”.

Košile je zřejmě “legrační” (gag) – možná nápadná, křiklavá nebo jiným způsobem nevkusná. Členové té rodiny si rádi dobírají (… always teasing each other.)

Já to chápu tak, jakože to triko(ten nápis na něm) ho přeci jen trochu zranilo (nebo zabolelo)....... sice jsou na to jako rodina zvyklý, že si ze sebe utahujou, ale tohle přeci jen zabolelo.....
Tady kdyžtak odkaz na slovník..... v rámci slovesa to tam je jako třetí vstup……nglish/sting

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Podlozka vložený před rokem

prosím co znamena stung v tomto významu

Well my family got that shirt for me for Christmas this year.

Ouch, it's not as mean as it sounds.

It was just a gag gift.

We're the kind of family that's always teasing each other and.

They also got me some thoughtful things too.

But the shirt stung.

Yeah, I can see why.

Have you done anything to deserve the reputation?

ahoj dekuji za odpovedi …

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před rokem

Sám jsem jako anglicky rodilý mluvčí tomu slovu v daném kontextu nerozuměl. Podle Urban Dictionary je význam “to embarrass”.

Košile je zřejmě “legrační” (gag) – možná nápadná, křiklavá nebo jiným způsobem nevkusná. Členové té rodiny si rádi dobírají (… always teasing each other.)

Moc děkuji také,, jsem si koupil právě tuhle knihu Call Me Maybe od Cara Bastone a bylo to tam v jedné kapitole

"Huh. "

“You know, there was this misprinted shirt that went viral last year. It was supposed to be inspirational. It said, ‘NEVER QUIT’ in big block letters. And then a smaller subline was added that said 'Do your best. ' But they accidentally arranged the words so the shirt actually read 'Never do your best, quit. " ”

"Ha, yeah, I remember seeing that trending. "

“Well, my family got that shirt for me for Christmas this year. ”

"Ouch. "

“It's not as mean as it sounds. It was just a gag gift. We're the kind of family that's always teasing each other. And they also got me some thoughtful things, too. But the shirt stung ”

“Yeah, I can see why. Have you done anything to deserve the reputation? ”

"Definitely. As a kid I bailed on three different basketball teams, a softball team, track, a couple different dance classes. It got to the point that my folks wouldn't let me sign up for a sport that didn't have a refund policy on the registration fee. Let's see, what else…

I have half a nursing degree. I didn't finish my undergrad, even though I only needed a few more credits to get a Bachelor's in psych. I trained for half a marathon. "

“You ran a half marathon? That's a huge accomplishment. ”

“No. I did half the training for a whole marathon. But gave up because it was way too hard. ”

"Ah. "

“You can laugh, if you want. I'm used to it at this point. ”

"I would never laugh at that. "


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