Help for English

Ankle-snappers, ratting


Vůbec nerozumím následující větě

The dog will be one of them ankle-snappers, what is good for ratting.

Znamená to, že pes bude jedním z těch, co dosahují jen ke kotníkům, dobrý na chytání krys? Nebo se mluví o něčem jiném?

Ano, je to tak. Styl je tady „venkovský“, nevzdělaný. Jde o výňatek z ‚Queen Camilla‘, Sue Townsend.

  • the dog will be one of them ankle-snappers, what's good for rattin'. (uneducated)
  • the dog will be one of those ankle-snappers that are good for ratting. (standard English).

An ankle-snapper (or ankle-nipper) is a small- to medium-sized dog that doesn't grow taller than the human knee, and has a tendency to „snap“ or „nip“ or „bite“ people's ankles. Such breeds (like terriers) are good for rat-catching.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před rokem

Ano, je to tak. Styl je tady „venkovský“, nevzdělaný. Jde o výňatek z ‚Queen Camilla‘, Sue Townsend.

  • the dog will be one of them ankle-snappers, what's good for rattin'. (uneducated)
  • the dog will be one of those ankle-snappers that are good for ratting. (standard English).

An ankle-snapper (or ankle-nipper) is a small- to medium-sized dog that doesn't grow taller than the human knee, and has a tendency to „snap“ or „nip“ or „bite“ people's ankles. Such breeds (like terriers) are good for rat-catching.



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