Help for English

stupňování příslovcí


Příslovce způsobu končící na „ly“ se stupňují more +příslovce. (pravidlo k učebnici)

Je správně věta? My sister sings more loudly than the other students. V řešení cvičení je: My sister sings louder than the other students.

Obdobně věta: They walked a lot more slowly than the other people. V řešení cvičení je: They walked a lot slower than the other people.

Jsou možné obě varianty? Pokud ano, o jaké pravidlo se to opírá? Děkuji.

  • My sister sings more loudly than the other students.
  • My sister sings louder than the other students.
  • They walked a lot more slowly than the other people.
  • They walked a lot slower than the other people.
  • She's girlier and dresses prettier than her sister.
  • She's more girly and dresses more prettily than her sister.

Nejde o pravidlo, ale o úzus. It's not a question of rules, it's a question of usage.

  • He's very frank, he talks opener about his problems than his brother.
  • He's very frank, he talks more openly about his problems than his brother.
  • The teacher explained the problem more clearly than the grammar book.
  • The teacher explained the problem clearer than the grammar book.


Příspěvky mohou přidávat pouze přihlášení uživatelé. Pokud máte účet můžete se přihlásit.

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