Help for English

Anyone from abroad?


Hi there.. just wondering if there are any poeple living abroad? I´ve been living in english speaking country for 4 years and it´s been sometimes crazy to talk and think in english only.. :)


I've been living in England for 6 months and you're absolutely right… It's crazy. Especially when I'm trying to chat to my mum in Czech :D. She's coming to see me in April so I hope I will be able to talk properly …

Good luck abroad!

yes by the end of this month i will have been living in Denmark for 8 months.

it is great:)

Hey AlfonsPlasil, what is the occasion for you living in Denmark? Erasmus stay, just working or what?

I am a full time student at the universtity in Aalborg, simple as that, however I got to work from time to time as this country is not what you would call cheap)) if everything goes well I will graduate before summer 2013 and then I might move to Edinburgh to continue with my studies, at least that's the plan))


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