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Reading: Hunting at High Mountain Whitetails

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 15.04.2006

Test čtení s porozuměním. Přečtěte si informace o loveckém středisku ve státě Missouri a vyberte odpověď na jedenáct otázek.

Read the text and decide whether the statements below are True or False.

High Mountain Whitetails: "The Experience of a Lifetime"

High Mountain Whitetails is a Hunting adventure like no other you have ever experienced.

High Mountain Whitetails is located just a few miles south of Branson, Missouri. It is nestled deep in the heart of the Ozark Mountains, with its dense hardwoods and pines. At High Mountain Whitetails you are treated to some of the most spectacular beauty to be found anywhere.

Where but here, can you pursue the Trophy Whitetail of a lifetime while enjoying the amenities only offered in this unique area. We offer one-on-one fully Guided Hunting with?

  • Comfortable, covered and heated stands overlooking lush food plots.
  • Whitetail Bucks that are extensively managed so that each Buck reaches its full maturity as well as its maximum genetic potential.
  • Lodging, meals and transportation included in the Hunting package.
  • Pickup available at any local airport.
  • Availability of fishing in private lake (equipment provided) during Hunting off-time.
  • No hidden costs.
  • Hunts are available September-January with use of bow, muzzleloader or rifle.
  • Hunts are 3 days, 2 nights.
  • Processing and taxidermy also available.
  • No alcohol on the preserve.
  • High Mountain Whitetails is located within minutes of Branson, Missouri, home to dozens of music shows, attractions and outlet malls.
  • Located minutes from Table Rock Lake which is famous for bass and Lake Taneycomo, where you can experience some of the best trout fishing in America.
  • Trophy breeding stock and semen available.
  • Bass Pro Shop Headquarters is within easy driving distance.

article from

Decide whether the author of the text makes these statements (True) or doesn't (False).

  1. You will not have to pay extra for meals.

  2. You can't go hunting at High Mountain Whitetails in spring.

  3. You have to take a bus or a taxi to get from the airport to High Mountain Whitetails.

  4. You need previous hunting experience if you want to hunt at High Mountain Whitetails.

  5. You aren't allowed to drink alcohol at High Mountain Whitetails.

  6. There are occasional music programmes at High Mountain Whitetails.

  7. It's not far to Lake Taneycomo.

  8. To go fishing, you will have to bring your own fishing equipment.

  9. Fishing in a private lake is available to out-of-season visitors.

  10. You can choose the hunting weapon.

  11. Each visitor can have his own guide.

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