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Multiple Choice: Dawson's Creek

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 25.08.2006

Do textu o seriálu Dawsonův svět (Dawson's Creek) doplníte 15 chybějících výrazů (z výběru).

Read the text about the TV series Dawson's Creek and choose the best expression for each gap.

Dawson's Creek

Dawson's Creek DVD cover, ©Sony Pictures

Dawson's Creek, now available on DVD, is a TV Drama that has written its name into history.Dawson, Joey, Pacey and Jen, they are the names that most teenagers are with. The show takes us through the years of their adolescence,the ups and downs of their love and problemsconnected with up. other teenager dramas,Dawson's Cre­ek manages to some typical clichés andmany young people have identified themselves with the characters.

The first season of Dawson's Creek on American television in 1998. It soon one of the most popular TV shows. It was created by Kevin Williamson, the author of some very original horror movies like Scream. The character of Dawson Leary is partly on Williamson's ow­n youth.

Unfortunately, the originality of the series somehow disappears after the 13 of the first season.Everything would have been perfect if it all had with Dawson and Joey's first kiss silhouetted against Dawson's bedroom window. But it didn't and their lives went .Still, we can say that Dawson's Creek is a very witty series that out amongst other shows of this kind. It was well by teenagers as well as critics.

POZN.: Obrázek přebalu DVD Dawson's Creek je chráněn autorským právem, které pravděpodobně vlastní Sony Pictures. Předpokládáme, že vzhledem k tomu, že je tento obrázek malého rozlišení, a je použit pro ilustraci daného filmu na nekomerčním vzdělávacím serveru, jedná se o fair use, přiměřené užití.

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