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Quiz: Prison Break Trivia

ALL LEVELS Vydáno dne 23.05.2010

How well do you know the TV show PRISON BREAK?

  1. The prison in PRISON BREAK season 1 is called ‘________ River’.

  2. In the first episode of PRISON BREAK we learn that Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows are ________.

  3. Which of the following words can be best associated with Michael Scofield ________.

  4. In the first episode of Prison Break, Michael Scofield is incarcerated for ________.

  5. In the first season of Prison Break, Lincoln Burrows is sentenced to death ________.

  6. The last name of the warden (in Season One) is ________.

  7. Lincoln was framed by an organization called ________.

  8. Which of the following is Lincoln's nickname?

  9. Someone has tried to match the first names of the characters and the first names of the actors. Which of the following is a WRONG MATCH?

  10. The prison in the first season of PRISON BREAK is in the state of ________.

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