Help for English

The right word (Intermediate) 1

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 15.03.2013

Mnoho slov v angličtině má stejný tvar pro více slovních druhů. Do rámečku u každé otázky doplníte vždy takové slovo, které se hodí do všech tří vět.

Do rámečku za slovem Answer doplňte slovo, které je možné doplnit místo teček u všech tří vět uvedených u každé otázky.


The president is going to .............­....... the judges at the end of November.
Can you .............­....... your requirements so that she can start arranging the moving?
“What's your .............­.......?” – “You don't need to know it. Just do what you have to.”

Answer: name

  1. The house is .............­....... in a place of peace and quiet, a perfect vacation spot for those who look for tranquillity.
    “Mr Hanks on the .............­......., please!”
    “Have you .............­....... the table yet?” – “No…” – “But the guests will be here any moment for Christ's sake!”

  2. Good bye and take care. I'll .............­....... you!
    The concert starts in an hour. I can't .............­....... the bus.
    The deer has caught his scent and the hunter is about to .............­........

  3. .............­....... still. You've got something in your eye, I'll take it out.
    People won't take you seriously until you take a .............­....... and say what you think!
    I'm quite perplexed about Jane. I don't know where I .............­....... with her.

  4. I want to .............­....... attention to a couple of discrepancies in your proposal.
    If you want to have a glass of wine, you'll need to .............­....... the cork out of the bottle first.
    I can't .............­....... bears. They always look like huge fat hamsters.

  5. “What do you .............­....... ‘I can’t marry you.‘? This is our wedding day!”
    I was quite .............­....... when I was a kid. I wouldn’t let my classmates borrow my things.
    I'm sure he didn't .............­....... to hurt you. It just slipped out his mouth.

  6. If you don't want these papers anymore, you'd better .............­....... them aside, they're quite personal.
    “How was the movie last night?” – “Well, the .............­....... was brill, but the plot was meh.”
    Everybody knows that witches can .............­....... a spell on you so beware Miss Taynot.

  7. Come on, get rid of it! It's .............­....... an old three-leg chair. You can't even sit on it anymore.
    The post-office lady was .............­....... as nice as a hungry man.
    The headmaster insisted on his decision that the children received a ................. punishment.

  8. I'd like to trust him .............­....... I can't. He's let me down too many times.
    This is nothing .............­....... a huge misunderstanding! I love you. I would never cheat on you!
    Can you see that blue car, the last .............­....... two one in that line? Well, that's my new darling.

  9. “You're Mr. Hill, is that .............­.......?” – “Yes, it is.”
    The last debate showed that many politicians cannot deliver a politically .............­....... speech.
    “I'm afraid I have to .............­....... you here. It's RED, not WET.” – “Oh, yes, sorry!”

  10. Have you ever told Frank a white .............­.......? You know, not to hurt his feelings.
    Tom couldn't stand or sit after the surgery for a couple of days. He could just .............­....... on the bed and stare.
    I know you hate it when people .............­....... to you. But I would never do it!

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The right word (pre-intermediate) 1

Mnoho slov v angličtině má stejný tvar pro více slovních druhů. Do rámečku u každé otázky doplníte vždy takové slovo, které se hodí do všech tří vět.


The right word (Intermediate) 2

Mnoho slov v angličtině má stejný tvar pro více slovních druhů. Do rámečku u každé otázky doplníte vždy takové slovo, které se hodí do všech tří vět.


The right word (Upper-intermediate) 1

Test zaměřený na slovní zásobu, především na kolokace a slovní spojení. Do tří vět vždy budete mít za úkol doplnit jedno slovo, které se hodí do všech tří.

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Nepřečteno The right word (Intermediate) # 1 22 13402 Od Jakub Ryba poslední příspěvek
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