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BUSINESS 08: Hotel (test A)

INTERMEDIATE Vydáno dne 29.11.2017

Závěrečný test osmé lekce kurzu obchodní angličtiny, která se věnovala ubytování. Úkolem bude vybrat správné slovo v příběhu o pobytu v hotelu.

Course Map (mapa kurzu)

Unit 08: HOTEL


Vyberte z možností tu, která se do textu hodí nejlépe. Pokud si nejste jisti, podrobné články o ubytování v hotelu najdete zde: teorie, praxe 1, praxe 2, praxe 3.

Jessica Morgan and her husband Steve, a married couple from Manchester, had been together for almost ten years and with their anniversary approaching, Steve wanted to surprise his wife with a gift. Jessica loved Paris so he thought he might arrange for their anniversary weekend.

Five weeks before their big day he went online and looked for suitable accommodation. He needed something special, something extraordinary, something that would take his wife’s breath away. And there it was – a penthouse in a five-star hotel in the city centre. It was a bit pricey, but Steve could afford to splurge a little. He booked it for three nights, paid by credit card, and looked for plane tickets. He didn’t want to tell his wife until the last moment, but he eventually had to and she was ecstatic.

Come Friday morning, they booked a taxi and set off for the airport. The flight was on time and they arrived at Charles de Gaulle Airport at around noon. Steve went to claim their luggage and Jessica looked for a taxi rank. In a few minutes they were sitting in a taxi going to the hotel.

When the driver parked the taxi outside the hotel, one of the rushed to open the door for Mrs Morgan and his colleague helped the couple with their cases. The opened the front door for them and what they saw next really did take Jessica’s breath away. The was magnificent. Well, it was a luxurious hotel after all.

They were approached by one of the who asked them how their trip was and walked them to reception. A smiling receptionist took their passports and needed to see Steve’s credit card as well. Steve signed the and that was it. The process was very short, which was convenient. Unfortunately, though, their room wasn’t ready yet and they were told to wait for about thirty minutes. They were offered a drink at the bar, which was a nice touch. After about half an hour the receptionist collected them and showed them to their room, which was on the top floor with an amazing view of the river.

Steve immediately lay down on the comfortable bed and turned on the TV. His wife unpacked the cases, which had been brought up by a member of the staff, and, being a curious kind of person, she went to check out the . She inspected the in the bathroom, the body lotion smelled amazing. She also discovered two fluffy in the wardrobe, one for her and one for her husband. She also noticed two pairs of . They were the same size and quite small, though, so she was wondering how they would fit her husband’s feet. She also found a hairdryer in the bathroom drawer, but as she’d brought her own, she wasn’t planning to use it. At that very moment she realised they had forgotten to bring a European , so her hairdryer was unusable. She asked her husband, still lying on the bed, to call reception and request one.

The room was quite hot, so she looked for the controls to turn the temperature down a bit. Then she sat down on the bed, next to her husband, and asked if he would like to go out, to a café or restaurant, maybe. He told her he’d like to stay in the room a little longer and that if she was hungry she could easily get something from the menu lying on the coffee table. She didn’t protest because she was tired too, and ordered two club sandwiches, one for herself and one for her husband. When the food arrived, Steve checked the to see if there was any beer and asked his wife if she wanted some wine.

Then they decided staying in the room all day wasn’t the best idea. They got changed, put Steve’s tablet in the , locked it and went downstairs to ask the for some tips on where to go and what to see.

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BUSINESS 08: Hotel (test B)

Závěrečný test osmé lekce kurzu obchodní angličtiny, která se věnovala ubytování v hotelech. Test B je o trochu náročnější než předchozí test A.


BUSINESS 08: Hotelová angličtina (teorie)

Pojďme si říct něco o ubytování v hotelu. Tato část našeho kurzu obchodní angličtiny se věnuje teorii (popis hotelů, pokojů, vybavení apod.)

BUSINESS 08: Hotelová angličtina (praxe 3)

V posledním článku o hotelové praxi se seznámíme s různými situacemi, které mohou při pobytu v hotelu nastat. Na závěr ukončíme pobyt v hotelu.
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