Help for English

would have v příkladu - posun předbudoucího, budoucnost v minulosti?


Četl jsem rozhovor s S.Doherty ohledně její diagnozy a zaujala mě tato věta:

She continued: "It's a hard one because I thought when I finally do come out, I would have worked and worked 16 hours a day and people can look at that and say, 'Oh my God, she can work…

Je to prostě budoucnost v minulosti? (..when I do come out, I will have worked – ve smyslu, že když s tím vyjde ven, bude už mít “napracováno” a bude dál pracovat). Vlastně me ještě napadá, proč není posunuté i “do come out” do minulosti? (je to protože je to budoucnost či v ten moment vlastně ještě přítomnost)?

Strictly speaking this sequence of tenses (" … thought when I finally do come out, I would have worked …") is incorrect, but we understand it because the time references in the rest of the context are already clear before we reach this sentence. We already know what has happened and why she's making the statement. Subconsciously, she has switched from direct speech to reported speech mid-sentence.

  • I thought: “when I finally do come out, I will have worked …” (= direct speech)
  • I thought when I finally did come out, I would have worked … (= reported speech)

Yes, it's future in the past – budu mít napracováno … (Z vazby “I will have worked” nelze vyvozovat, žě budu dál pracovat: When I'm 60 I will have worked for 38 years and that's enough, so I'm going to retire and put my feet up!)


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