Help for English

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My hobby is dancing. I have danced since I was ten. OR I have been dancing since I was ten. Který čas je zde správný? Ten průběh ve mně vzbuzuje pocit, jakoby v deseti začala a pořád jen tancovala…

I have been dancing. Protože tancuje i nyní, když je to její oblíbená činnost

You can use either the simple (I've danced …) or the progressive/con­tinuous form (I've been dancing …). The continuous form just puts greater emphasis on the durational sense, so it is more likely to be used where the emphasis is on the length of time that the activity has been taking / taken place – see the Ngram.

Miss Warburton works as a dance teacher full time, providing lessons during the week as well as at the weekend. “I love what I do, I’ve danced* since I was three and have always wanted to have my own dance school.” (halifaxcourier)

Also possible: I've been dancing since I was three …

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od [email protected] vložený před rokem

I have been dancing. Protože tancuje i nyní, když je to její oblíbená činnost


Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před rokem

You can use either the simple (I've danced …) or the progressive/con­tinuous form (I've been dancing …). The continuous form just puts greater emphasis on the durational sense, so it is more likely to be used where the emphasis is on the length of time that the activity has been taking / taken place – see the Ngram.

Miss Warburton works as a dance teacher full time, providing lessons during the week as well as at the weekend. “I love what I do, I’ve danced* since I was three and have always wanted to have my own dance school.” (halifaxcourier)

Also possible: I've been dancing since I was three …



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